Deploy the code and Azure resources
Last updated
Last updated
Download the Knowledge Base Bot code and deployment script.
Extract the files from the zip folder to the C drive.
Review the contents in the folder. It should contain a template and a deployment script.
Right-click on the PowerShell file and select Run with PowerShell. The PowerShell console window will pop up on your screen.
Enter the following values for each input field as detailed below:
$ResourceGroup: Name of the resource group where you want to deploy the Azure resources.
$ClientID: Client ID
$TenantID: Tenant ID
$ClientSecret: Client secret
$webAppURL: Web app URL
$KeyVaultURL: Key Vault URL
After the values have been provided, a “Login successful” message will appear.
Select the subscription and tenant for code deployment.
After selecting the subscription, zip compression begins (may take over 10 minutes).
Once completed, code deployment to the web app starts. A message will appear to confirm successful deployment: “Deployed code to web app. Site is ready to use.”.
Add the site URL as a redirect URI in Azure Active Directory by following these steps:
Navigate to Azure Active Directory.
Select App registrations from the left panel.
Select the app.
Select Redirect URIs.
Add the site URL to the list and select Save.
Note: The URL should be in this format: https:///<WebAppURL>getAToken