Free app upgrades/updates
Last updated
Last updated
Note: The following steps are only for users who deployed EmbedFAST automatically via Azure Marketplace.
To update the application for free, follow the steps detailed below steps.
Type “Resource groups" in the search bar of the Azure home page and select said option as it appears.
Once on the page, you will see a list of resource groups displayed. Select the resource group where your managed application is deployed to.
Select Deployments (under Settings).
Select the latest deployment that is listed as “maqsoftware.embedfastpowerbi-” followed by a string of numbers (the date and time).
Select Redeploy.
Enter the required details exactly as they were entered during the initial deployment.
For “SKU Value” input, refer to the table below:
Display Name
Free F1 0.00 USD/Month
Basic B1 54.75 USD/Month (Estimated)
Basic B2 109.50 USD/Month (Estimated)
Standard S1 73.00 USD/Month (Estimated)
Standard S2 146.00 USD/Month (Estimated)
Run the “az account list-locations --output table” command in PowerShell to fetch the location. Enter the Location previously entered in the initial deployment. Use the value from the Name column to populate the field.
After entering all the details, select Review + Create.
Select Create.
After the deployment is completed, select Go to resources to view the updated resources.