Microsoft Entra security group
Follow the steps below to create a security group for the Power BI tenant Settings and add a Power BI app registration to the security group.
Last updated
Follow the steps below to create a security group for the Power BI tenant Settings and add a Power BI app registration to the security group.
Last updated
Type “Microsoft Entra ID" in the Azure portal search bar and select said option as it appears.
Select Groups (under Manage) from the left pane.
Click on New group to create a new security group.
Fill out the New Group form as detailed below:
Group type: "Security"
Group name: Create a name for the group. In our example, we named the group PowerBIAPISG, hence it will be referred to as such in this documentation's images, etc. Feel free to create your own group name.
Group description: Optional.
Membership type: Pre-selected, it should be "Assigned".
Click Create to create the security group.
Select All groups from the left pane of the Azure AD page.
Type your security group's name in the search bar and click on it.
Note: As mentioned in the previous section, we named our group PowerBIAPISG, hence it will be referred to as such in this documentation.
Select Members (under Manage) from the left pane and click on Add members.
Search for the name of the app registration created for the Power BI Service and select it. Click on the Select button to add the app registration to the security group.