Last updated 2 months ago
Enter ID of the tenant for which themes are fetched.
The requested API version
Optional User Id
Success: Returns a list of available themes for the specified tenant.
Bad Request: The request could not be processed due to invalid syntax or missing/incorrect parameters.
Unauthorized: Invalid credentials or missing/invalid authentication token.
Internal Server Error: An unexpected error occurred or a server timeout.
curl -L \ --url '/tenants/{tenantId}/themes' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer JWT'
[ { "themeId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "themeName": "text", "themeObject": { "name": "text", "dataColors": [ "text" ], "background": "text", "foreground": "text", "tableAccent": "text", "textClasses": { "label": { "color": "text", "fontFace": "text", "fontSize": 1 }, "callout": { "color": "text", "fontFace": "text", "fontSize": 1 }, "title": { "color": "text", "fontFace": "text", "fontSize": 1 }, "header": { "color": "text", "fontFace": "text", "fontSize": 1 } } } } ]